Rotley with the Vibra Hospital team

Rotley Gilliam

When Rotley Gilliam arrived at Vibra Hospital of Houston, he faced significant medical challenges. A previous hospital stay had revealed a series of complex diagnoses, including respiratory failure, a non-healing wound on his left foot, chronic cellulitis and lymphedema, coronary artery disease, and hypertension. Additionally, Rotley experienced limited use of his left arm due to a recent onset of gout.

Rotley was referred to Vibra Hospital of Houston, a critical care hospital, to manage his complex care needs. Rotley was initially very weak and needed substantial assistance to roll in bed and sit up. He was unable to stand or walk.

Determined to regain his independence, Rotley began working closely with the physical and occupational therapy teams at Vibra Hospital. With their guidance, he focused on building strength and improving his functional abilities while receiving the medical care he needed to heal.

Midway through his stay, Rotley briefly returned to a traditional hospital to undergo vascular surgery. He came back to Vibra Hospital with more motivation and determination than ever! He continued to work diligently with the entire care team to achieve his recovery goals.

His hard work paid off! Rotley made remarkable progress during his time at Vibra Hospital. His edema significantly decreased, his wound showed improvement, and his strength increased. He achieved milestones such as sitting up independently, walking with a walker, and performing self-care tasks like getting dressed.

Rotley was able to return home, where he continued his recovery with support from a home health team. Rotley expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Vibra Hospital of Houston team for their crucial role in his recovery.

Congratulations, Rotley, on your incredible progress! We wish you all the best!